Want to be part of a parent feeding community?
I'm sharing all my knowledge, tips, resources, and support in the FeedingPlus Community
Get on the VIP (Very Important Parent) waitlist

Mini-Video Lessons
Members will have 24-7 on-demand access to video courses about feeding kids

Live Q&A's
Live Q&A sessions with topics like picky eating, autism, starting solids

Weekly Feeding Tips
Weekly feeding tips, tricks, and the latest research sent right to your inbox!

Case Studies
Learn from other kids and parents about what helped on their feeding journeyÂ

A Parent Community
Connect and learn from other parents of kids with feeding challenges

Feeding Newsletter
Members will have access to exclusive newsletters with tips to help kids eat

Printables Library
Access to a library of handouts with fun food activities and checklists

Guest speakers
Interviews and chats with other professionals like OTs and Registered Dietitans